Who we are

kLAPPbOXfILME are the filmmakers, authors, producers and artists Jessica Krummacher und Timo Müller based in Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia.

kLAPPbOXfILME was founded in 2006 by Jessica Krummacher and Timo Mueller during their studies at the Munich Academy for Film and Television. The main focus is to develop our own documentaries and feature arthouse films and establish them on a national and international level.

Our productions are award-winning, widely shown at prestigious festivals and exploited in cinema and on streaming platforms.

Highlights are the participation of THE DEATH OF MY MOTHER at Berlinale 2022 in the competitive section Encounters, and the participation of TOTEM at Venice Film Festival 2011.

Our Film THE RED MOUNTAIN (Script and Director Timo Müller, Producer Jessica Krummacher) celebrated 2022 his world premiere at the Filmfest Munich. 2008 Timo Müllers Debut Film MORSCHOLZ already wins the „Förderpreis Neues Deutsches Kino“ in Munich.

kLAPPbOXfILME realises Auteur’s films clearly demonstrating the filmmakers’ positions. Headstrong projects exploring the field between radical artistic ambition and economic and market interests. Always and at any time we are from new rechecking our core contents and their relevance both as social phenomenon and artistic method.

The cinematic work of us is regularly complemented by art projects and exhibitions realised in the field of video art, mixed media or installation. Those works have been funded by Art Foundation NRW and State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia.